Thursday, December 1, 2011

Blog assignment # 14

In this Blog
I really had to realize that there is so much more to the internet and all the free things that are available to current and future educators. The fact that the information added is all in alphabetical order. This is such a great way to make sure that the information that is entered is not repeated.

There are a huge number of sites I had no clue existed, and some that I did not know where free. This is a great tool to come back to in the future when I am placed in a classroom with little faces that are waiting for me to spark that inner creativity. I must say EDM 310 has introduced me to a whole new world of knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Roshawnda,

    I am glad you have found this assignment useful, but I would have liked for you to expand more on the details of Jose Picardo's blog and tips.
