Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blog Post # 3

This assignment about Peer Editing was very informative. Watching the video What is Peer Editing? gave me great steps to follow when I am assigned to C4C, C4T, and C4Ks. It is very important to keep the three rules in mind when commenting on anyone's writing. Those rules are:
1. Compliment
2. Suggest
3. Corrections
If those rules are followed when editing a peers writing, the writer will not feel attacked, and will be more accepting to your suggestions, and corrections.

In the video Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes This video was very amusing yet important. When editing a peer,the editors need to be mindful of the things they say, and how they say them. I will use these Peer Editing Mistakes as a guideline of things I should not and will not do when I edit my peers. I will however use the Three Rules of Peer Editing to help other writers. This also makes me "self" edit before I comment.Overall the assignment gave me a clear insight on steps to follow as a future educator.Peer Editing does not have to be so judgmental if you follow the most important rule. STAY POSITIVE


  1. I love that, in this blog post, you not only clearly state the rules that all peer editors should follow but also talk about how you interpret the rules and apply them to your own editing process. Admittedly, peer editing is difficult for me because I am a very detail-oriented writer, so I have a habit of noticing even the smallest errors. I have a feeling that one of my biggest challenges will be trying to avoid such nitpicking... Great informative post!

  2. I like how you applied the information to the comments we are required to do in this class. It made the post more personal and helped me relate the information. I also like how you used the term "attack". I often feel like peer editing can feel like we are attacking our classmates or being attacked by them. However, if we can remember to abide by these three rules, then we can avoid that feeling all together and have a positive, effective outcome.

  3. Now apply what you earned.

    You must have links that work.

  4. Hi Dr.Strange
    Thank you for your comment. I think you wanted to say "apply what I've learned". I'm having some technical issues with my links, but they will be working in the future.
